Tuesday, April 18, 2006


See the next 3 blogs for Easter stuff... i was having problems posting pics tonight and so they are all out of order. They published last first and vice versa..... :) But I'm too tired to fix it.....

(continued) more pictures

He finally got tired and had to rest
I think MeMe has an egg!!
Matthew at the pool with aunt stacey

Happy in the pool
Easter Egg Hunt at Nana's House!!! Fun Fun!!

(continued) more pictures

A kiss for daddy
Easter BBQ
The start of the Easter Egg Hunt


Here are some pictures from the last week. We had a busy week. Aunt Donna came and stayed with us. She cooked and cleaned and occupied Matthew! It was like a mini vacation!! Matthew had an easter egg hunt at school where he practiced his skills. They came in pretty useful at the Battaya Family Easter Barbecue on Saturday. He got a ton of eggs. Also, matthew got to go swimming!! He loved it! What a difference a year makes!
On Sunday we went to Nana's house and had easter breakfast and then matthew got to hunt some more eggs. Once he found out that Nana put goodies inside them he had to open each one before finding another one!!
Hope you like all of the pictures!!